fraxplus FRAX and FRAXplus Update

We have recently launched a parallel website to bring the FRAX web platform into the modern era, usable across a wide range of devices. (

FRAXplus® contains the most up-to-date FRAX calculators, freely available.

Additional features include access to an individualised FRAX account for storage of FRAX calculations and a beta-version, fee-based access to modifications of the FRAX probability (e.g. recency of fracture or falls in the previous year).

Once the FRAXplus® website is available in all the FRAX languages, the old FRAX website ( will be retired.

Velkommen til FRAX®

FRAX® værktøjet er udviklet af til vurdering af patienters risiko for knoglebrud. Det er baseret på individuelle patientmodeller som samler risikoen forbundet med kliniske risikofaktorer og risikoen baseret på knoglemineraltæthed (BMD) af lårbenshalsen. Knoglemineraltæthedlårbenshalsen.

Dr. John A Kanis

Dr. John A Kanis
Professor Emeritus, University of Sheffield

FRAX® modeller ne er udviklet gennem studie af befolkningskohorter fra Europa, Nordamerika, Asien og Australien. I sin mest avancerede form, er FRAX® værktøjet computerbaseret og dette er tilgængeligt her på siden. Flere forenklede papirudgaver, baseret på antallet af risikofaktorer, kan downloades her fra siden til brug i konsultationsrummet.

FRAX® algoritmer beregner 10-års risikoen for knoglebrud. Resultatet angiver 10-års risikoen for hoftebrud og 10-års risikoen for væsentlige knoglebrud ved osteoporose (klinisk rygfraktur, underarmsbrud, hofte eller skulderbrud).


The University of Sheffield launched the FRAX tool in 2008. At that time the University hosted the The World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases (1991-2010), and the FRAX tool is based on data generated from that centre. However, FRAX was neither developed or endorsed by WHO . Any references to the ‘WHO tool’ or to the WHO Collaborating Centre after it finished its work in 2010 are incorrect.

FRAX Desktop Application

Click here to view the applications available

Web Version 1.4.7

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Individuals with fracture risk assessed since 1st June 2011