Murtumariskin laskentamallit on kehitetty Sheffieldin yliopiston metabolisten luutautien keskuksen tutkimusohjelman tuloksena. Lisätietoa asiasta löydät oheisista kirjallisuusviitteistä. Näihin sisältyy mm. artikkeleita koskien murtumien ilmaantuvuuden laskentamalleja, luun mineraalitiheyttä ja muita riskitekijöitä arvioivia meta-analyysejä sekä tuoreita arviointiraportteja
FRAX Kiitokset
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Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Jonsson B, Dawson A, Dere W. Risk of hip fracture derived from relative risks: an analysis applied to the population of Sweden. Osteoporosis International 2000; 11: 120-127.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Jonsson B, DeLaet C, Dawson A. Prediction of fracture from low bone mineral density measurements overestimates risk. Bone 2000; 26: 387-391.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Jonsson B, Dawson A, Dere W. Risk of hip fracture derived from relative risks: an analysis applied to the population of Sweden. Osteoporosis International 2000; 11: 120-127.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Jonsson B, De Laet C, Dawson A. Risk of hip fracture according to World Health Organization criteria for osteoporosis and osteopenia. Bone 2000;27: 585-590.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Sernbo I, Redlund-Johnell I, Dawson A, de Laet C, Jonsson B. Long-term risk of osteoporotic fractures in Malmo. Osteoporosis International 2000; 11: 669-674.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Dawson A, De Laet C, Jonsson B. Ten year probabilities of osteoporotic fractures according to BMD and diagnostic thresholds. Osteoporosis International 2001; 12: 989-995.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, De Laet C, Jonsson B, Oden A, Oglesby A. International variations in hip fracture probabilities: implications for risk assessment. Journal of Bone & Mineral Research 2002: 17; 1237-1244.
De Laet C, Oden A, Johnell O, Jonsson B, Kanis JA. The impact of the use of multiple risk factors on case finding strategies: a mathematical framework. Osteoporosis International 2005; 16: 313-318.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Johansson H, Oden A, Delmas P, Eisman J, et al.Prior clinical vertebral fractures are a particularly strong predictor of hip fracture: a meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International 2006: 17 (suppl 3); 365
Johnell O, Kanis JA, Oden A, Johansson H, Gluer C, Fujiwara S, McCloskey EV, Melton LJ III, Delmas PD (2005)
A comparison of total hip BMD as a predictor of fracture risk: a meta-analysis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2005; 20 (suppl 1): S4.
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, Johnell O, De Laet C, Melton LJ, Tenenhouse A, Reeve J, Silman AJ, Pols HAP, Eisman JA, McCloskey EV, Mellstrom D. A meta-analysis of prior corticosteroid use and fracture risk. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2004: 19; 893-899.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, De Laet C, Johansson H, Oden A, Delmas P, Eisman J, Fujiwara S, Garnero P, Kroger H, McCloskey EV, Mellstrom D, Melton III LJ, Pols H, Reeve J, Silman A, Tenenhouse A. A meta-analysis of previous fracture and subsequent fracture risk. Bone 2004; 35: 375-382.
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, Johnell O, De Laet C, Eisman JA, McCloskey EV, Mellstrom D, Melton III LJ, Pols HA, Reeve J, Silman A, Tenenhouse A. A family history of fracture and fracture risk: a meta-analysis. Bone 2004; 35: 1029-1037.
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Johansson H, De Laet C, Eisman JA, Fujiwara S, Kroger H, McCloskey EV, Mellstrom D, Melton LJ, Pols H, Reeve J, Silman AJ, Tenenhouse A. Smoking and fracture risk: a meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International 2005; 16: 155-162.
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Johnell O, Oden A, De Laet C, Eisman JA, Pols H, Tenenhouse A. Alcohol intake as a risk factor for fracture. Osteoporosis International 2005; 16: 737-742.
Johnell O, Kanis JA, Oden A, Johansson H, De Laet C, Delmas P, Eisman JA, Fujiwara S, Kroger H, Mellstrom D, Meunier PJ, Melton LJ III, OfNeill T, Pols H, Reeve J, Silman A, Tenenhouse A. Predictive value of BMD for hip and other fractures. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2005; 20: 1185-1194.
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, De Laet C, Johnell O, Eisman JA, McCloskey EV, Mellstrom D, Pols H, Reeve J, Silman A, Tenenhouse A. A meta-analysis of milk intake and fracture risk: low utility for case finding. Osteoporosis International 2005; 16: 799-804.
De Laet C, Kanis JA, Oden A, Johansson H, Johnell O, Delmas P, Eisman JA, Kroger H, Fujiwara S, Garnero P, McCloskey EV, Mellstrom D, Melton LJ III, Meunier PJ, Pols H, Reeve J, Silman A, Tenenhouse A. Body mass index as a predictor of fracture risk: a meta-analysis. Osteoporosis International 2005; 16: 1330-1338.
Kayan K, Johansson H, Oden A, Vasireddy S, Pande K, Orgee J, Kanis JA, McCloskey EV (2009) Can fall risk be incorporated into fracture risk assessment algorithms: a pilot study of responsiveness to clodronate. Osteoporos Int 20: 2055-62
Kanis JA, on behalf of the World Health Organisation Scientific Group. Assessment of osteoporosis at the primary health care level. WHO Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, University of Sheffield 2007. Download as PDF.
Kanis JA. Diagnosis of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk. Lancet 2002: 359; 1929-1936.
Kanis JA, Black D, Cooper C, Dargent P, Dawson-Hughes B, De Laet C, Delmas P, Eisman J, Johnell O, Jonsson B, Melton LJ, Oden A, Papapoulos S, Pols H, Rizzoli R, Silman A, Tenenhouse A. A new approach to the development of assessment guidelines for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International 2002: 13; 527-536.
Kanis JA, Borgstrom F, De Laet C, Johansson H, Johnell O, Jonsson B, Oden A, Zethraeus N, Pfleger B, Khaltaev N. Assessment of fracture risk. Osteoporosis International 2005; 16: 581-589.
Kanis JA, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Odén A Borgström F, Strom O (2010) Development and use of FRAX® in osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 21 Suppl 2:S407-13.
Kanis JA, Oden A, Johansson H, Borgström F, Ström O, McCloskey E (2009)
FRAX® and its applications to clinical practice. Bone. 2009; 44: 734-743.
Maakohatiset mallit ja sovellukset
Kanis JA, Johnell O, Oden A, Johansson H, McCloskey E. (2008) FRAXTM and the assessment of fracture probability in men and women from the UK. Osteoporosis International 19: 385-397.
Kanis JA, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Strom O, Borgstrom F, Oden A and the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (2008) Case finding for the management of osteoporosis with FRAX® - Assessment and intervention thresholds for the UK. Osteoporos Int 19; 1395-1408.
Fujiwara S, Nakamura T, Orimo H, Hosoi T, Gorai I, Oden A, Johansson H, Kanis JA. (2008) Development and application of a Japanese model of the WHO fracture risk assessment tool (FRAXTM).Osteoporos Int. 19: 429-448.
Czerwinski E, Kanis JA, Trybulec B, Johansson H, Borowy P Osieleniec J (2009)
The incidence and risk of hip fracture in Poland. Osteoporosis International 20; 1363-1368.
Tsang SWY, Kung AWC. Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A (2009)
Ten-year fracture probability in Hong Kong southern Chinese according to age and BMD femoral neck T-scores. Osteoporos Int. 20: 1939-1945.
Kanis JA, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Strom O, Borgstrom F, Oden A and the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (2009) Erratum to; Case finding for the management of osteoporosis with FRAX® - Assessment and intervention thresholds for the UK. Osteoporos Int 19; 1395-1408. PMID: 18751937. Erratum published 2009 Osteoporos Int 20, 499-502
Lippuner K, Johansson H, Kanis JA, Rizzoli R (2010) FRAX® assessment of osteoporotic fracture probability in Switzerland. Osteoporosis International 21: 381-390.
Neuprez A, Johansson H, Kanis JA, McCloskey EV, Odén A, Bruyère O, Hiligsmann M, Devogelaer JP, Kaufman JM, Reginster JY (2009) Rationalisation du remboursement des médicaments de l’ostéoporose : de la mesure isolée de la densité osseuse à l’intégration des facteurs cliniques de risque fracturaire. Validation de l’algorithme FRAX®. La Revue Médicale de Liège 64 : 12 : 612-619
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, Dawson-Hughes B, Melton LJ 3rd, McCloskey EV (2010) The effects of a FRAX((R)) revision for the USA. Osteoporosis International 21: 35-40.
Dawson-Hughes B, Looker AC, Tosteson ANA, Johansson H, Kanis JA, Melton III LJ (2010) The potential impact of new National Osteoporosis Foundation guidance on treatment patterns. Osteoporos International, 21: 41-52.
Berry SD, Kiel DP, Donaldson MG, Cummings SR, Kanis JA, Johansson H, Samelson EJ (2010) Application of the National Osteoporosis Foundation Guidelines to postmenopausal women and men: the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. Osteoporosis International. 21: 53-60.
Ohjeistot ja ohjeiston kehittäminen
Grossman JM, Gordon R, Ranganath VK et al (2010) American College of Rheumatology 2010 recommendations for the prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 62: 1515-26
National Osteoporosis Foundation (2008) Clinician's guide to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Washington, DC: National Osteoporosis Foundation.
Papaioannou A, Morin S, Cheung AMet al (2010) 2010 clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in Canada: summary. CMAJ. Oct 12. e-pub ahead of print. PMID: 20940232
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV (2009) Bazedoxifene reduces vertebral and clinical fractures in postmenopausal women at high risk assessed with FRAX®
Compston J, Cooper A, Cooper C, Francis R, Kanis JA, Marsh D, McCloskey EV, Reid DM, Selby P, Wilkins M; on behalf of the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG) (2009) Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men from the age of 50 years in the UK. Maturitas; 62:105-108.
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA (2010) Manitoba bone density program. Independent clinical validation of a Canadian FRAX((R)) tool: Fracture prediction and model calibration. J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20499367
Compston J, Cooper A, Cooper C, Francis R, Kanis JA, Marsh D, McCloskey EV, Reid DM, Selby P and Wilkins P, on behalf of the National Osteoporosis Guideline Group (NOGG).Guideline for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and men from the age of 50 years in the UK NHS Evidence - National Library of Guidelines Publication Date: 01 Oct 2008
Borgström F, Ström O, Coelho J, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA. (2010) The cost-effectiveness of risedronate in the UK for the management of osteoporosis using the FRAX. Osteoporosis International 21: 495-505.
Johansson H, Kanis JA, Oden A, Johnell O, McCloskey E (2009)
BMD, clinical risk factors and their combination for hip fracture prevention. Osteoporos Int. 20: 1675-1682.
Ström O, Borgström F, Kleman M, McCloskey E, Odén A, Johansson H, Kanis JA (2010) FRAX® and its applications in health economics - Cost-effectiveness and intervention thresholds using bazedoxifene in a Swedish setting as an example. Bone. 2010 47::430-7.
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV (2010) A meta-analysis of the efficacy of raloxifene on all clinical and vertebral fractures and its dependency on FRAX®. Bone 47: 729–735
Kanis JA, Burlet N, Cooper C, Delmas PD, Reginster JY, Borgstrom F, Rizzoli R; on behalf of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO) (2008) European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis International. 19: 399-428.
Leslie WD, Lix, LM Johansson H, Oden A, McLoskey, EV, Kanis JA for the Manitoba Bone Density Program Spine-hip discordance and fracture risk assessment: A physician-friendly FRAX enhancement. Osteoporos Int. 2010 Oct 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20959961
Kanis JA, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV (2011) Guidance for the adjustment of FRAX according to the dose of glucocorticoids. Osteoporosis International, in press Nov 2010
WHO CC for Metabolic Bone Diseases (1991-2010)
Redesignation Proposal 2000 (Download as PDF)