fraxplus FRAX and FRAXplus Update

We have recently launched a parallel website to bring the FRAX web platform into the modern era, usable across a wide range of devices. (

FRAXplus® contains the most up-to-date FRAX calculators, freely available.

Additional features include access to an individualised FRAX account for storage of FRAX calculations and a beta-version, fee-based access to modifications of the FRAX probability (e.g. recency of fracture or falls in the previous year).

Once the FRAXplus® website is available in all the FRAX languages, the old FRAX website ( will be retired.

Recepción a FRAX®

La herramienta FRAX® ha sido desarrollada por para evaluar el riesgo de fractura en pacientes. Se basa en modelos individuales que combinan e integran factores clínicos de riesgo con la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) del cuello femoral.

Dr. John A Kanis

Dr. John A Kanis
Professor Emeritus, University of Sheffield

Los modelos FRAX® se han desarrollado a partir del estudio de grupos poblacionales de Europa, América del Norte, Asia y Australia. La herramienta FRAX® es un programa informático que se encuentra disponible en esta WEB. También se pueden descargar otras versiones simplificadas que utilizan los factores de riesgo que haya disponibles.

Los algoritmos de FRAX® calculan la probabilidad de fractura a 10 años, proporcionando la probabilidad de fractura de cadera y de las fracturas osteoporóticas más importantes a 10 años (fractura clínica vertebral, antebrazo, cadera u hombro).


The University of Sheffield launched the FRAX tool in 2008. At that time the University hosted the The World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases (1991-2010), and the FRAX tool is based on data generated from that centre. However, FRAX was neither developed or endorsed by WHO . Any references to the ‘WHO tool’ or to the WHO Collaborating Centre after it finished its work in 2010 are incorrect.

FRAX Desktop Application

Click here to view the applications available

Web Version 1.4.7

View Release Notes
UDI: (01)05065010474000(8012)1.4.7


Individuals with fracture risk assessed since 1st June 2011